Fitness That is Simple, Effective And Fun For People Aged 40+

Enter Your Info Below to Speak to an Expert About Your Health and Wellness Needs

Personalized Mobile Fitness Is For You If...

Carrying groceries to your house has you feeling out of breath.

You open the fridge at 8pm, looking for a snack, knowing you don’t ‘need’ it, but you have one anyway.

You wake up just as tired as when you went to bed.

You hold onto the handrail for dear life when going down the stairs because you're afraid that your balance is off, and you will fall (though, for now, please continue to hold onto the handrail).

No matter what you have tried on your own, you can't rid of that last piece of belly fat (if you know, you know…that last part, at the bottom of your stomach).

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  • Pytor From Kingston, Ontario

    "For many years I tried to lose weight on quick fad diets I would be this I would be that and it never stuck...this has stuck."

  • Shar From Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, Ontario

    "Since training at PMF I have lost 30lbs, have increased strength, I am sleeping better and have a much healthier lifestyle."

  • Josh From Kingston, Ontario

    "I was feeling bad about my body. Since training at PMF I can sprint without pulling something and have began to engage in activities that I had avoided prior to PMF."

  • Jo From Greater Napanee, Ontario

    "Training at PMF has me feeling much stronger and confident. I can see growth of muscles and have more energy. You will love PMF."

  • Richard From Belleville, Ontario

    "I am a 21 year old who had some knee issues that restricted my movements. After 4-5 months with PMF I went from not being able to do squats and other basic movements with my lower half ,to being able to do most with ease."

  • Otsihstok From Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, Ontario

    "Now I'm able to stick to something that has been mentally/physically challenging which has really helped my confidence. Brody has kept me motivated every single session by making it fun and interesting. If you're thinking about joining PMF, JUST DO IT! Once you start you won't want to stop."

It Really is That Simple...

Personalized Mobile Fitness Results-Based Money-Back Guarantee

We guarantee you'll start to feel healthier by the end of the 21 days. If you don't we'll refund every penny.


We have a variety of pricing options to accommodate your budget and wellness goals.

Ranging between $30 - $84 per session, schedule a consultation to find out what will work best for you!

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Meet Trainer Brody!

Hi everyone! My name is Brody! Ever since I can remember I have loved to move and be active: whether it was in organized sport, hip-hop dance, and breakdancing, or just out with my friends! 

That love eventually would lead me to St. Lawrence College, where after two years of study, I received a Diploma in Fitness and Health Promotion, and became a Certified Personal Trainer through the Ontario Fitness Council.

In 2021 I started Personalized Mobile Fitness to support folks who wanted, and needed to get moving, yet were looking for the safest way possible during the pandemic. Many of my clients continue to train with me at their home, some come to my studio, and others train at local gyms with me. 

Personalized Mobile Fitness exists for one reason. To get as many people as possible moving, especially those who haven’t been able to build a routine on their own. By designing workouts that are simple, safe, and convenient we are supporting our clients to achieve just that. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out! Hope to see you training soon!

Contact Brody